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Paying people to do discovery interviews

Should you be paying people to talk to you?

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Warming up for discovery interviews

Your first 2-3 discovery interviews will be rough. Plan accordingly.

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“But we already knew that?!?”

On the role of “hindsight bias” in discovery research

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On building rapport in customer interviews

The risks of getting a little too friendly in customer interviews.

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Don't do 100+ customer discovery interviews on your idea

Why the usual advice to do 100+ discovery interviews is wrong.

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A good starter question to ask about pricing

One simple question to help reduce bias around pricing.

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Be careful with asking "why" in your customer interviews

My recommendation for what to ask instead.

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Never begin a customer interview question with this phrase

This question phrasing can lead to misleading responses.

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What is "customer discovery" (and why should you do it)?

Start here if you're new to doing customer discovery...

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Why I (re)launched in 2024

10 reasons why I'm relaunching this site after all these years.